
Discover - Orapiu to Pearl Bay Walk

Pearl Bay Waiheke Island

This walk offers views to Ponui Island, Coromandel Peninsula and the eastern Auckland mainland.

Te Matuku Bay and Otakawhe Bay are part of a new marine reserve where no fishing is allowed.

The Route

At Orapiu Wharf, follow the signs around the coast to Otakawhe Bay onto Pearl Bay at the southern end of Te Matuku Bay. Follow Hunterville Road, an unformed road, and return to Orapiu Bay. There is no public transport to this location.

Alternative Route

Park your car at the junction of Nepean Avenue and Hunterville Road and follow the walkway to Pearl Bay. This will halve the time of the walk. You can also walk from here to Orapiu Wharf.

Additional Tips

  • Dogs: Keep your dog’s under control, particularly on steep sections of the tracks.
  • Facilities: Toilet and wharf at Orapiu Bay.
  • Note: keep a lookout for signs showing the alternative routes
  • Duration: 2 hours (approx)